Saturday, October 10, 2009

We go green - เรื่องของแก้ว

Lately, we've been Wholefood Market, located on Town Square,which is one of our favorite place for lunch. They were on "Sale" of this White Tea and I did try one and love it so I came back and grabbed it even more. I think I had 10 of them!

Even through our family consume a lot and many times I felt like we waste a lot of stuffs like packagings and containers (which is true) but we are nice to this mother of earth and we will try to be even better with her.

I actually collect glass bottle with metal tap because it's reuasable, versatile, dish washer safe, good for containing food ingredients&spices and also very pretty for crafts supply. So once we finished the last bottle of White Tea this morning, then I started to go green.

I rinsed it all with soap water, below picture you can see that the label still on.

I will take a look again tomorrow if all glue gone, clean it throughly, let it dry and reuse it like these;

I reuse it for snacks, cold cereal and many mores. These all useful, no cost containers and less waste!

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