Sunday, November 15, 2009

Welcome home "My Poor Doggies"

Let me introduce my lovely dogs.

Oh, I never name them yet, shame on me!
Anyway, I believe she is very smart and sweet mom also her baby dog is a cute little one.
They're very royale to us and always there at the front door welcoming us home all the time.

This was when they're so bright and cheerful on April 3rd this year
before we left them home alone.


After that, summer came and we're away from home for a very long period so we asked our kindly nextdoor neighbors to help by watering them and putting them in shade.

Sadly, my helpful neighbors were away too but so nice they are that they tried to keep my doggies lives by asking their parents to take care.

Anyway, they were away from us for a very long time and came back home last Sat with a deadful brushes behide.

Oh my poor boys!


So, I took them a shower and add some cactus behide which more suitable for a weather here.

Look, they're very nice and clean!


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