Saturday, November 7, 2009

Florida : Tuesday going back home

Tuesday, we're going home but even not in a hurry we still had no time for nice breakfast because...we woke up late.

Anyway, we needed to fill up gas before return this boy;

Oh NOOOOO, not my husband! He is no return but it's actually this boy
Am I look good with him, hubby?
I asked him I'd like to drive the car since the first day we got it.

Truely, I drove it that morning but in fact it was just so short distance only from the hotel to gas station, :(

OK, we returned him and since we checked in our flight one day before and no lines at the baggage counter so we had plenty of time for breakfast.

A bit sad that we got to an airport after 10 am. most restaurant didn't serve breakfast after that and by the time we about free for food it's almost 10.30 am the only choice we got was
Burger King.

We thought we would not get breakfast menu but they had some left so we got it

Taste OK but nice to had some and better than nothing.

At the airport before getthing through the security;

Flight was about 5 hours and we got some snacks and drinks on the plane.
Once we landed, I felt like it's not Vegas. The weather just so cold, windy and very cloudy.
Winter come and I do love it.
By the time we got home was about 3 PM so we stopped at Wholefood Market
for ummm ... lunch+dinner.
Yes, we're so hungry and the food just good.
We're finally home.

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