Saturday, November 7, 2009

Florida : Sunday Lunch at Red Lobster

After a very hectic night and we both were not together but finally we went through it.

I had my good sleep there in Hyatt Place Hotel which is very close to Jacksonville Airport.
My hubby got to wake up early to catch the first flight from Miami at about 8 am to see me and it took an hour so...we had no sweet breakfast together like what we planned!

I got a wake up call from him at the time he leaving there so I had plenty of time to unpacked my stuffs, get dress and do my duties (including make up). Since before I went to sleep I found out on Hotel TV Channel that they do provided complimentary breakfast so I was not in a hurry at all.
I was feeling good 'cause that morning was such a very wonderful weather with warm breakfast and when I looked through the window all around was nice and best of all, I was gonna see my husband again after longggggg week we're aparted, oh nice!

A bit sad that I didn't bring my PENTAX camera with me so all the way through since I left home on SAT morning, getting trouble about his delay flight late at night until the next morning I had no picture at all. That was unusual me!

Anyway, we finally met here at the hotel. He got a little refreshing then we were about lunch time and ... he had bring a small camera with him so I was glad.

One confession : all these two pictures we took in front of the hotel
it's actually because.........
....the car.

Yes, somehow my hubby got into "Midlife Crisis" ha ha ha.
Almost everytime he rent any "Crazy" Cars he's always in an exciting moment
and just like this trip!

He said he got a special up-grade(really?)
and this hot boy "FORD MUSTANG" belongs to us for... 3 days.

"Smooth as Silk" (even better than his last rental cool "Chevrolet CAMARO")
Boy, don't get too excited!
As we were very hungry so heading to "Red Lobster" at The River City Marketplace

I don't know why but it seems like I always think about Lobster/Shrimp/Seafood when we're here in Jacksonville.
I normally drinks just water at moment (since I'm so fat)
but I spoiled myself a little bit with IBC root beer.
No, No, No, we had no alcohol at all.
OK, let's start with Crab Cake.
I oredered this because it reminded me of CPK which is a lot better than this one.

Anyway, things always gone fast when you hungry...ha ha ha

We had Caesar Salad served with biscuits
This was mine, very nice except I was not very pleased with butter shrimp, way too oily.
and that's his.
We filled up the tank and ready to go.

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