Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday Home Improvement & our healthy meal

Since we back from Florida, he started to get alert again on finishing the front room. The room was used to be in Green Carpet (which we dislike it) so he did changing all the way himself with kindly help from our friend John Wey.

But the problem it's not at the same level as the entry way tile so lately he did this....
I have nothing to talk about that much because since he started this kind of Artwork it's still the same way until now due to very tight schedule each day... ha ha ha.
I hope it will be soon get more so I will up date the project status every once a while.
Well, let's talk about me

Yes, I'm a Wimpy Kid fan and I did finish the latest Dog Days on last night. I got it for week and didn't have a time to read til yesterday that I went to see the Dentist and I went through my pain day by this guy.
It's not a big surprise like the first book but still funny though.
I read them all and it's all humor.
Love it!

Almost Christmas and I got my order today.
This is gonna be my hubby's Chrismas presents.

Anyway, I always order something like this for him almost every Christmas and this year he got couple more on LL Beans and another one on JC Penny too!
Guy's present is tought! ha ha ha

Well, Let's look at today's healthy dinner;

I cooked Shrimp Wonton Soup with Spinach and adding a little bit more of Shrimp
just to enough for both of us.
It's light, healthy and tasty.
Oh, this is the rice I served with.
It's variety kinds of rice; brown, red, jasmine rice and black mixed together.
Last weekend I found this in 99 Ranch frozen shelf.
I thought it would be nice to have an old memory Sweet Potato.
It turned out very sweet purple and kinda soft.
Look pretty isn't?
It's not so bad but not what I dreamed for.
Anyway, this guy is a lot better!

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