Thursday, November 26, 2009

SOB's sweet roses

Yesterday when I was driving out and I noticed that our friend SOB (Sweet Old Bob) was walking toward his garage so I stopped to say hi. As he's so sweet like what we call him, he invited us to pick some roses from his front yard anytime we convenient.

Every time we were walking around (yes, we did some exercise! but not very often as this busy moment, ha ha ha) our neighborhood at the evening we always keep our eyes looking for him but his house seems so quiet and dark. He revealed that because he goes to bed very very early at 5 pm.

Before I met him yesterday, my husband and I actually wrote him a card for Christmas and New Year and also plan to bring him some cake I made so I was so glad to see him. I made some cup cake last night but by the time I finished it was five minutes before 5 pm. oh, that's too late to see our old friend.

So, we went to see him this morning with the card and my lovely cup cakes and we had a good very long talk generally about pretty much everything on his hobbies and life in the past. He also gave a lot of advices to my hubby about rose planting and wood craft techniques.

He cut some roses and put in a bucket for me, so sweet!
But we promised to return this bucket so I trimmed the roses and put in glass vase. It turned out very wonderful


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