Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Foccaccia Bread

Since Costco stop making my favorite "Rosemary Olive Oil Loaf" and my husband and I went there three days in a row and find nothing. It's like OMG where on earth I can find my breakfast bread!!

Then we started looking for new bread I would go for and we headed to Panera Bread, Fresh and Easy, Trader Joes and Wholefood Market. We got some from each market.

On a hunting day for any kind of substitute bread,we got this sandwish bread at Fresh and Easy market called "Foccaccia Sandwish Bread".
I think I love it! It's very good flavored, not just a heavy or light bread but nice texture and this guy is real good with fruit jelly. I put Olive oil butter with blcak cherry jam on's so good!